Its Monday! What are you reading? From Picture Books to YA is a weekly feature hosted by Jen and Kellee of Teach Mentor Texts and inspired by Its Monday! What are you reading by Sheila at Book Journeys.
This past week...
I read:
Zorgamazoo, Zapato Power! Freddy Ramos Takes Off, and Squish #3: The Power of the Parasite.

I started reading:
Doglands and Insurgent.

I'm still listening to the audio of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.
I bought, was given, or checked out of the library:
Bitterblue, Where Things Come Back, , Elliot Stone and the Mystery of the Summer, Vacation Sea Monster, The Princess Curse, The Crowfield Demon and The Chronicles of Avantia

April 30: Its Monday! post ; Deep thoughts on Harry Potter {3}
May 1: Tune in Tuesday: Random Playlist 1
May 2: Review: The Peculiars by Maureen Doyle McQuerry
May 3: Cool graphic: Your Kids On Books
May 4: I graduated from James Madison University with my M.Ed in Reading Education today!
May 5: May meeting for the Virginia Reader's Choice Committee (I have my list of suggestions---there's some doozies on there! I can't wait to hear what the others are nominating!)
This coming week:
After I finish Insurgent (the librarian said I couldn't renew as her son was the next on the list, so I had to finish quickly), I plan to read Bitterblue and the Where Things Come Back. I hope some of the books I put on hold for the VRC (Virginia Reader's Choice) come in, so I can get crackin' on those, too.
May 7: This post
May 8: Tune in Tuesday {2}
May 10: Deep thoughts on Harry Potter {4}
May 11-14th: who knows? I have nothing scheduled yet!
What are you reading?
*please note, all cover images come from*
Everybody is reading Insurgent and Bitterblue this past week! I still haven't managed to get my hands on either! Hope you enjoy Where Things Come Back. I thought that was a beautifully written novel.
ReplyDeleteI've heard so many good things about Where Things Come Back, I'm very excited to read it.
DeleteInsurgent...this is a new one to me. I'll be interested to hear what your thoughts are once you've red this book.
ReplyDeleteLove Zapato Power! I need to get through Fake Mustache so I can get to Insurgent and Bitterblue...and now I added the Princess Curse. Looks awesome!
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to read Fake Mustache! I've loved all of Angelberger's books so far, and there is no doubt in my mind that this one will be great, too!
DeleteZapato Power was really cute, I liked the idea of his super power shoes. I thought my kiddos would love it, but they aren't getting into it for some reason. :(
Loved Insurgent; disappointed in Bitterblue. I'm anxious to see what you think. I don't know if I was just expecting more/different or what. I *wanted* to love it!
(My wordpress log-in isn't working!)
I haven't started Bitterblue yet, but I'm feeling like I'll feel the exact opposite (love Bitterblue, but disappointed in Insurgent). I'll let you know, though!