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10 February 2014

It's Monday! What are you reading? From Picture Books to YA

It's Monday!  What are you reading?  From picture books to YA is a weekly feature hosted by Jen of Teach Mentor Texts and Kellee of Unleashing Readers.

Ok, last week I made the switch---changed the blog background AND name!  I'm now "Maestra Amanda's World".  Now, I feel like I can talk about everything that I love, not just books.  Even though my focus will still be book reviews, I've got other things to talk about!  I hope you stay with me!

You saw this pic last week, I know.  But I'm still working on it!  I'm reading Flora and Ulysses at school and Doll Bones at home.  I haven't gotten into any others yet.

Last week's posts:
Monday:  It's Monday!
Tuesday:  Video:  Changing Paradigms by Sir Kenneth Robinson
Friday:  Subscription Boxes
Saturday:  Book Blog Walkers

This coming week:
Monday:  It's Monday! ; Inquiry project: Help wanted! 
Friday:  {Out of the Box}:  February 2014 Popsugar Must Have box review
Saturday:  Book Blog Walkers


  1. I haven't read Flora, but I really enjoyed Doll Bones. It was nothing like what I was expecting and I was pleasantly surprised by what it actually was. I also really like Mr. Lemoncello's Library! Have a great week ~Megan

  2. That's a wonderful pile to work on! Enjoy your reading week. :)


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