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10 August 2012

Dog Days of Summer Blog Hop: Day 1

For more information about The Dog Days of Summer blog fest, to participate, to see the questions for the next few days or to see the other blogs participating, hop on over here, or click the image above.

Today's question is:  Describe your favorite summer activity thus far.

If I had to pick just one thing, I'd say trail riding with my husband through Glacier National Park.  I wrote a blog post about it on our travel blog (click here  ... not here...).  I love horseback riding, and to be able to go on a trail ride in honestly one of the most beautiful places I've ever been was awesome.  A close second was on the same trip, we went to Cannon Beach, Oregon (where the movie, The Goonies was filmed).  I could sit on that beach for hours.  If only the western Oregon weather and my sinuses would cooperate.   

What about you?


Gold stars given to good comments.