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03 August 2012

Using Pinterest in School {School Stuff Board}

With August just starting, that means we'll be heading back to school soon (some of us sooner than others).  I thought I'd take the next five Fridays to share with you pins I've found that I'll be using in my classroom.

This week is just my general "School Stuff" Board.  This could be anything from sayings to books to bulletin board ideas and games.  Here are my top 10 favorite pins from this board (in no particular order--I'm only numbering them so I remember what number I'm on!)
10.  Exit Tickets

9.  Vocabulary Rock N Roll

 8.  100 Best Children's Chapter Books

7.  Whooooo's In Our Classroom?  Bulletin Board idea

6.  Word Work With Names

 5.  Think Math Ideas

 4. There's an app for that!  (Running Records)  

 3.  Centers ideas  

 2.  Read Alouds Organized by Month and Author

 1. Too Loud App---visual representation for kids to see when they are getting too loud 

 Now, these aren't all my "School Stuff" pins, so feel free to click the link and check out the rest of my board.  I hope one (or all) of these are helpful to you this coming year!

If you aren't on Pinterest, and would like to be, leave me a comment with your email and I'll invite you.  If you are on Pinterest, give a girl a follow :) 

Next week (8/10), I'll share with you my "Stuff I'm printing for school" board, which is filled with printables and stuff that I don't need to actually make!

8/17 (school is getting closer), I'll share with you my "Anchor Charts" board, filled with posters (anchor charts) that I've either already made or will make this year.

8/24 (workdays have started for me!), is my "Guided Reading" board.  This one has more organizational ideas, for setting up your guided reading groups, rather than lesson ideas.

8/31 I'll share some "back to school" ideas that I've found!

1 comment:

  1. You've pinned lots of great ideas! I'm sooooo addicted to pinterest! Headed over to follow you right now. :)



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