It's Monday! What are you reading? From picture books to YA is a weekly feature hosted by Jen of Teach Mentor Texts and Kellee of Unleashing Readers.
I actually have posts for you to read from this past week! YAAAAAAAAAAAAY! AND I read! YAAAAAAAAAAAAY!
Last week, I read May I Pet Your Dog?, Don't Lick The Dog, Mirabelle and the Butterfly, Mirabelle and the Bouncy Red Ball, Mirabelle Goes for a Walk, Dog, Gracias, el pavo de Thanksgiving and Samantha Sutton and the Winter of the Warrior Queen. GO ME!
Last week's posts:
Monday: It's Monday! post
Tuesday: Books about meeting dogs
Wednesday: Thank you
Thursday: Happy Thanskgiving
Friday: Celebrate this week
Sunday: Spotlight on Donors Choose projects
This coming week:
Monday: It's Monday! post
Wednesday: Guest post by Jordan Jacobs, author of Samantha Sutton and the Winder of the Warrior Queen
Thursday: Review of Samantha Sutton..
Friday: Celebrate this week
If you would like to be featured in my Sunday Spotlight on Donor's Choose post, please email me (amandakfurman@gmail.com) with your name, your project and link.
Stay tuned to next Monday's (December 9) posts as I'll be sharing some holiday fun!
What are you reading?
I actually have posts for you to read from this past week! YAAAAAAAAAAAAY! AND I read! YAAAAAAAAAAAAY!
Last week, I read May I Pet Your Dog?, Don't Lick The Dog, Mirabelle and the Butterfly, Mirabelle and the Bouncy Red Ball, Mirabelle Goes for a Walk, Dog, Gracias, el pavo de Thanksgiving and Samantha Sutton and the Winter of the Warrior Queen. GO ME!
Last week's posts:
Monday: It's Monday! post
Tuesday: Books about meeting dogs
Wednesday: Thank you
Thursday: Happy Thanskgiving
Friday: Celebrate this week
Sunday: Spotlight on Donors Choose projects
This coming week:
Monday: It's Monday! post
Wednesday: Guest post by Jordan Jacobs, author of Samantha Sutton and the Winder of the Warrior Queen
Thursday: Review of Samantha Sutton..
Friday: Celebrate this week
If you would like to be featured in my Sunday Spotlight on Donor's Choose post, please email me (amandakfurman@gmail.com) with your name, your project and link.
Stay tuned to next Monday's (December 9) posts as I'll be sharing some holiday fun!
What are you reading?
Congrats on getting so much accomplished! I love that feeling. Have a great week!