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06 March 2014

{Gone to the dogs}: Sweet Potato Dog Treat

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE LOVE LOVE our Barkbox subscription (see here for post about our last order, and here for just a general "what is a subscription box?" post), and the treats that are inside.  But, I like to cook and I like to spoil "the kids".

I had made peanut butter based treats for Skipper before (BL, or "Before Luna"), but haven't made anything since we got her.  Knowing how much they both enjoy apples and carrots, when I saw this recipe for sweet potato treats, I thought I'd give it a go.

I found it on Pinterest, though the link that the pin takes you to is a recipe that uses a food dehydrator.  If you click here, you'll be taken to the original post by Dog Treat Kitchen.

But, I thought I'd show you, in step by step photo format, how I made these:
1.  Purchase sweet potato (you'd think this would be a no-brainer, but I went to the store several times before I remembered to pick one up).
2.  Preheat oven to 250*.
3.  Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper.  I don't have parchment paper.  I really hope wax paper is ok. 4.  Cut a little slice off the side of your sweet potato so that it lays flat and you can then slice the rest of it easier.
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(slice and then lay the potato on its' side to continue to slice)
5.  Slice the rest of your sweet potato, about 1/3in to 1/4 in thickness.
6.  I then cut the slices in half again (horizonally), as I didn't want the chew to be too big.
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7.  Arrange on cookie sheet.
8.  Bake for 3 hours.
9.  Enjoy!
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Sorry I couldn't get a better photo, Luna devoured her treat.

If you'd like to follow my "Dogs" board on Pinterest for more recipes, cute pictures and more, click here!

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