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22 December 2012

{25 Days of Holiday Book Reviews}: Allison's favorites

Today's guest poster is my little sister, Allison.  You may remember her from her post on Wonder over the summer, and her weird aversion to The Clockwork Angel (and the rest of the series).  I think she was hoping that the Mayan prophecy would come true when she signed up for this day, but joke's on her!  haHA!  Rather than wrack my brains thinking of a cute introduction for her, I'm going to use the one she came up with!  

About Allison:  
The ever adorable hilarious younger sister of Amanda. Horse-crazy since birth, avid reader,
photographer, flowboarder and outdoor enthusiast, I currently work at the local police
department (in which I do not carry a gun, handcuff or badge).
Today, she's writing about a variety of favorites, including The Berenstain Bear's Christmas Tree, The Christmas Day Kitten and Santa Cows (never heard of Santa Cows?  Oh you're missing out.  It's a hoot!)

Growing up with a family that loves to read sometimes leaves me trying to chose a favorite Christmas book to write about.  For some reason, I don't recall my favorite Christmas books being the "traditional" ones read; like "The Night before Christmas" and other classics like that.  For me, it was books like: "The Berenstain Bear's Christmas Tree", "The Christmas Day Kitten" and "Santa Cows"

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The last two books should not be a surprise that they were my favorite Christmas books.  I grew up on a farm with cows, cats, a dog and eventually horses.  So, with "Santa Cows", my child-like imagination could easily hope that our cows in the field behind the house would somehow start flying on Christmas.  With "The Christmas Day Kitten", the   summarization of the book being the best Christmas present was a little kitten who was orphaned probably made me think of my cat.  It also probably didn't help that my cat was like the kitten, being an active kitten and acting like he thought he was a dog too.

Finally, "The Berenstain Bear's Christmas Tree".  Many of us remembers this beloved family and the numerous books from this series.  This particular book is somewhat longer then the normal story but nevertheless still as charming.  How many of us spend time searching for that perfect Christmas tree, gift or meals, yet forget the real meaning of Christmas.  This book teaches us the meaning of Christmas; of the love, hope and joy found in Christmas.

Thanks, Allison!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Allison! My kids are looking forward to seeing you again this summer when we visit your sister ...


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