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08 July 2012

Guest Post & Giveaway: Allison's thoughts on Clockwork Angel

Amanda's note:  I got the most hilarious text from Allison while she was reading Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare, which inspired me to ask her to write this post.I hope you enjoy :)

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Ever have one of those moments that freaked you out but people must still remind you of?  Sort of like those embarrassing moments in middle school that forever traumatized you (please refrain from asking me about mine but it involves a lion).  (*Amanda note:  its a doozy!  thanks for reminding me, Allison!)

Well, I was traumatized when reading the Clockwork Angel. Don’t get me wrong, I loved the whole theme of putting punk rock (Steampunk) with back in the 1800s or whenever the timeframe was.  Heck, I wish I had some of the clothes they were (although I hear some clothing companies are looking into that idea).

But, what freaked me out the most were the automatons. Sure having little robots help you with things are great, I can’t live without modern technology being like robots sometimes (seriously Siri is so much fun to ask questions and things like that, it’s like a personalized robot).  Automatons are not cute, especially as the author describes it as having a bloody/glistening hand reaching out to come hurt/maim/kill you. I freaked out at that point and was even texting Amanda about how freaked out I was (in which she responded by hilariously laughing at me). I had nightmares that night I believe. Several months later, I was watching a movie, I think it was Hugo. When they got the robot to work I started freaking out that it was going to start killing people or whatnot.

Yes, I admit, I have a fear of automatons now. Most people of normal fears of like flying, death or in Ron’s case in the Harry Potter series, spiders (“why spiders, why can’t it be follow the butterflies?”). But don’t let the fears of automatons (hey it’s a phobia: Automatonophobia, thanks Wikipedia) keep you from reading an otherwise awesome kick-ass book.

*And now for the giveaway!*
We're giving away a copy of Clockwork Angel, because, lets face it, Allison isn't going to borrow it!  All you have to do is leave your name, email address and your silliest fear in the comments section.  Allison and I will judge (when I get back from vacation).

The ever adorable hilarious younger sister of Amanda. Horse-crazy since birth, avid reader, photographer, flowboarder and outdoor enthusiast, I currently work at the local police department (in which I do not carry a gun, handcuff or badge).

1 comment:

  1. Ok I am up on this challenge! While my husband is most afraid of spiders (he has woken me up sleep-talkin/walking and pushed me out of our bed to save me from the spiders) my silliest fear is a little more...botanical. I am scared to death of poison ivy. In fact, just recently (when I thought I had come in contact with the stuff) I bathed in rubbing alcohol repeatedly over a 6-hour period to try and avoid actually breaking date, I am having phatom itching episodes, but no rashes...yet! :)


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