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09 April 2012

Its Monday! What are you reading? From Picture Books to YA

Its Monday!  What are you reading?  From Picture Books to YA is a weekly feature hosted by Jen and Kellee of Teach Mentor Texts and inspired by Its Monday!  What are you reading by Sheila at Book Journeys.

This past week..
was a hectic week, not only was it the last week before our "Spring Break" (Thursday-Monday), but we had Parent / Teacher Conferences Tuesday night.  I did talk with my students about setting their reading goals for Spring Break, and many took 3-4 books out of our classroom library.  They were floored when I told them I planned to read at least one book a day.  They didn't think I could do it!  I *hope* I can prove them wrong!

I did get to read some absolutely beautiful and amazing books this past week---Peter Nimble and His Fantastic Eyes; Wonder; Bud, Not Buddy; The Mighty Miss Malone; The One and Only Ivan

Here's what I posted last week:
April 2:  Its Monday!...; I Relay (please consider donating to my Relay for Life Team)
April 3: Review:  Summer on the Moon by Adrian Fogelin
April 4:  Deep Thoughts on Harry Potter (Part 1) ; SPRING BREAK ...Wait for iiiiiiit!
April 6:  Guest post by author Adrian Fogelin
April 8:  In My Mailbox

This coming week:
April 9:  This post; Review:  Giants Beware!
April 10:  Review:  The Lacey Chronicles, book 2
April 11:  Review:  Ripper by Amy Carol Reeves
April 12:  Books that made me feel all tingly
April 13:  Deep thoughts on Harry Potter (Part 2)
April 14:
April 15:  In My Mailbox

What have you been up to?


  1. YAY! I am so glad that you were able to read Wonder & The One and Only Ivan- they are both one of my new favorites.

    Good luck on #bookaday! I know you can do it :)

  2. WONDER! Happy dance! I was excited to see Wonder amongst so many other great books. Ivan is awesome, too. I got a ton of reading done over spring break, I just cranked them out. It was great. I don't feel as productive with my reading..although I'm rereading so I'm being productive in a different way at least. :)


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