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03 December 2011

This week on Pinterest

I want to share with you my favorite pins of the week from my newest addiction, Pinterest.  I was so proud of myself, I actually MADE 4 of the crafty things I saw on pinterest last week---usually I just pin stuff and look at it and think how nice it is, but this time, I actually made stuff!  I made 2 scarves out of tee-shirts, a button bracelet and a cute button Christmas tree wall decoration.
My favorite pins of the week:
I wondered.....
I'm waiting for someone to buy this for me....
So these look to be chocolate chip batter, oreos and brownie batter layered together.
I tell my students this every day.... hopefully, they'll believe me now

Tree filled with rosaries outside of the Loretto Chapel in Santa Fe, NM.  We were there this summer and its just beautiful.
Hope you enjoyed this week's edition of "This week on Pinterest".  If you're on Pinterest, find me, I'd love to stalk your boards.  If you aren't and would like to be, let me know and I'll send you an invite.

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