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08 June 2014

You're invited to join me in a #HarryPotterReRead

Image from Universal Orlando
I'm so excited to say that this summer, some friends and I are going to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios in Orlando.  And boy are we ready!  We have the flights booked, tee-shirts purchased (though I'm sure we'll each pick up a few more between now and then), and countdown apps added to our phones.  We squeal at the commercials for Diagon Alley when they come on the tv.  There is just one thing left to do.  Re-read Harry Potter.  Of course, they are further along in this than I am (one is on book 3 and the other on book 5).  But, I challenge you to join me in re-reading Harry Potter.

Once a week, on Sunday, from now until July 16th (as I leave on the 17th and that opens the door for lots of other HP-related posts) I'll post how far along I've gotten that week and anything else that pops into my head about the book I'm reading.  I'll also post to twitter using the hashtag #HarryPotterReRead.  Feel free to leave a comment with how far along you are, or tweet me! 

1 comment:

  1. I'm currently in the midst of reading Chamber of Secrets with my kids!! We should hopefully finish in the next week, then we need to decide if we will move on to Prisoner of Azkaban or choose something else. It has been so much fun to revisit these with my kids. It's almost like reading them again for the first time (even though I think I've already re-read them 5 million times)!! :)


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