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15 May 2014

Book Browse Reading Personality Quiz

I used to (ok still do) love taking those stupid quizzes online to tell you what book character/color/tv personality/spirit animal you are.  I love seeing if my thoughts about who/what I'd be match up to what the quiz says.  So when I found this quiz on Book Browse, I was like, "SOLD!" 

Anyway, you answer 7 questions and it tells you what your reading personality is.  Here are my results:

The All-Rounder

Your responses showed you fitting equally into all four reading personalities:
Involved Reader: You don't just love to read books, you love to read about books. For you, half the fun of reading is the thrill of the chase - discovering new books and authors, and discussing your finds with others.
Exacting Reader: You love books but you rarely have as much time to read as you'd like - so you're very particular about the books you choose.
Serial Reader: Once you discover a favorite writer you tend to stick with him/her through thick and thin.
Eclectic Reader: You read for entertainment but also to expand your mind. You're open to new ideas and new writers, and are not wedded to a particular genre or limited range of authors.

Which is pretty cool, I think :)

Take the quiz and tell me what you got in the comments below!  

1 comment:

  1. Exacting, which is nice-- pre-kids I was much more Involved or Eclectic, and I miss those days, so it's nice to see my actual current reading habits spelled out as NOT a failure on my part!


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