Each week, I'll be highlighting a different class and their Donor's Choose project, with the hopes that you would donate---even $5 goes a long way.
If you would like your own Donors Choose project featured, please contact me (email or twitter).

Today's Sunday Spotlight comes from a 1st grade teacher at my school, Mrs. Tusing. She writes:
and resources have changed! In today's classrooms, students need
opportunities to explore and learn with different types of technology.
This grant would make those experiences possible in my 1st grade
The 22 students in my 1st grade classroom come from various backgrounds and experiences. All students have been exposed to technology such as SMART boards, iTouches, and desktop computers in kindergarten technology classes and classrooms. Most students do not own this type of technology at home.
taught summer school to upcoming 1st graders just a few weeks ago and
found out how enriching technology can be for learning opportunities
when it is readily available. We used iTouches during literacy centers
and students were completely engaged and excited to explore and learn! I
want this same engagement and opportunity for students in my 1st grade
classroom as well. With these Kindle Fire HD tablets, students will be
given opportunities to practice literacy and reading skills as well as
math skills during literacy centers and math workstations. Students
will have opportunities with technology daily, rather than once every
six days in technology class. Teaching is all about providing multiple
ways of presenting information and providing for different learning
modalities. This technology will enhance my ability to provide learning
and practice opportunities for all of my students on their level. The 22 students in my 1st grade classroom come from various backgrounds and experiences. All students have been exposed to technology such as SMART boards, iTouches, and desktop computers in kindergarten technology classes and classrooms. Most students do not own this type of technology at home.
Having technology at our finger tips in the classroom will make a huge impact on our daily learning and center opportunities. Students will learn to be independent and responsible learners and will feel pride in being trustworthy citizens of our classroom community. Literacy, reading and math practice opportunities will be fun, engaging, and varied to students' individual learning needs.
To help purchase two Kindle Fires for Mrs. Tusing's class, please click here.
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