Babies love to hide—beneath blankets, under tables, and
behind chairs. And some babies are found in unexpected places. Like baby deer,
who disappear in dappled spring sunlight. Or baby leopards, who scramble high
in the African trees. Or baby elephants, who fade behind a forest of legs. But
all babies, no matter where they are, can always be found by their loving
(Image and summary from Peachtree Publishers Blog)
(Image and summary from Peachtree Publishers Blog)
I am so sorry! I had the post scheduled, but not written, so when my internet went down last night, I kind of freaked out a little! Of course, by the time I was able to sit and type my review, it had already had 18 hits!
I think the best part, for me, of this book were the illustrations. I'm the type of person who could look at pictures of babies and baby animals for hours, contently.
The vocabulary presented on each page was limited, but made it easier for younger readers to be able to read the book.
For me, I would have enjoyed it more if the information in the backpages was included in the story. I felt the story was missing a little "meat", and would have liked to have that good information added. Yes, it is there (in the backpages), but not everyone takes the time to read that.
I'd like to thank Peachtree Publishers for sending me a copy to read and review.
I'd like to thank Peachtree Publishers for sending me a copy to read and review.
Blue Owl Reviews (www.blueowlreviews.blogspot.com )
A Word's Worth (http://awordsworth.blogspot.com )
Kid Lit Reviews (www.kid-lit-reviews.com)
Maestra Amanda's Bookshelf (http://maestra-amanda.blogspot.com )
Gidget's Bookworms (http://gidgetsbookworms.wordpress.com )
*Contest begins on PTP blog (www.peachtreepub.blogspot.com)
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