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19 June 2013

Using Pinterest at School: {Summer School Ideas}

You know I love Pinterest.  I find so many good ideas on there.  Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't.  But I've still got to try.

With summer either already started (in my case), or starting soon, with that comes summer school.  Now, I'm not a fan of the drill and kill, same old same old boring summer school.  Which is why I don't normally teach it.  But, it's going to be different at my school this year.  This year, it is going to be more of a language and experience enrichment summer school.  We've found that lots of our students just don't have the vocabulary or background knowledge to understand higher level things, so by doing this, we're hoping to fix that.  And have a good time in the process.

So, here are my favorite things that I've pinned to use in my summer school class:

Make your own sidewalk chalk
Gangham Style Parody, "Farmer Style"
Source: via Amanda on Pinterest
Edible Dirt w/ cute plant fork

1 comment:

  1. pokies online
    Awesome post. Awesome story. Keep saving the world one trash bag at a time!


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