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02 March 2013

If I had $100

Inspired by Andi, of Andi's ABC's (Accessories, Books and Clothes) post, Monopoly Money Monday (and a Barenaked Ladies song), I thought, "What if I had $100 to spend?  What books or bookish things would I buy?"

I'm going to try to make this a weekly post, usually on Saturdays, because, let's face it, I can spend $100 on books/bookish things REALLY quickly and easily!  And, if I go over, there's always next Saturday!

Of course, there are no shipping charges or tax.  It's my fantasy money, and I've decided!  

Clicking on the image *should* take you directly to that link.  Unless its noted, that site is amazon.

Today is Dr. Seuss' birthday!  In honor of that, all my "purchases" today are Dr. Seuss related!
Dr. Seuss's Beginner Book Collection (Cat in the Hat, One Fish Two Fish, Green Eggs and Ham, Hop on Pop, Fox in Socks) 
6 books for $26.25
Dr. Seuss's Second Beginner Book Collection 
6 more for $29.44
 And my very own copy, $7.68

 From  etsy:

Dr. Seuss women's mommy teacher short skirt
Dr. Seuss skirt!  The only one I could find in adult sizes!  I would so wear this to school on Dr. Seuss day!  $35.95

Grand total:  $99.42

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