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17 September 2012

{9/17} my #schooljoy

My #schooljoy for today was kind of hard to find, I'll be honest.  I was doing benchmark testing all day, 3 different grades, as a read aloud for math.  Great fun was to be had by all (not really). 

But, in my 4th grade group, I had my new girl (who is pretty quiet and shy) and another boy (who is more vocal and whose strength is math).  On most problems, he'd finish quickly and go, "Oh, that's easy!"  And then, every now and then you'd hear this quiet little voice going, "Oh, that was easy!"  before he did.  It just made me giggle.

This week is benchmark testing all week, plus, I'm getting sick (my throat is on FIRE!), so I'm really really looking for some joy!


  1. Sometimes my "school joys" don't come from interactions with students. I finished a tedious project that I've been putting off for a long time. Yea! Sorry you don't feel well -- seems to be a lot going around in my neck of the woods....Good luck.

  2. My school joy came via you, Friend! Not only did your efforts help my coursework, I also got to hear a student and miss teaching a little bit more. I need those reminders! I hope your throat feels better soon (apple cider vinegar spiked with whiskey if not - that's the HARD stuff, though).


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