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06 June 2012

Armchair BEA, Day 3: Networking

So today's suggested topic is about networking, or just sharing a positive book experience that you've had.

I'm glad we could also write about a positive book experience, because I don't think I'm that great at networking---but I'm working on it!  But hey, drop me a line on twitter (@maestra_amanda) or on pinterest (maestra_amanda), I'd love to chat with you!

Anyway, one of my best reading experiences this year happened in April.  I was chosen to be a book giver for World Book Night (read my wrap up post, with pics! here)   Not only was I humbled to be chosen, but I got to give out The Hunger Games (which I adored).  I went to the high school that my elementary school feeds into and passed out books!  It was great!  I loved being able to share, not only a book that I loved, but just the joy of reading a great book!  (which is probably why most of us got into blogging)  I know that I'm going to do it again next year (and I really hope that there are more elementary book selections so I can pass out at my school!)


  1. I'm really going to have to check out World Book Night. Somehow I have completely missed out and have no clue what's going on there... Shame on me for being a bad blogger!

  2. That's awesome you got to give out books for World Book Night! And yay to passing them out at a high school and (hopefully) setting the seeds for a new generation of book bloggers

  3. Hi, I chose to talk about World Book Night too :) I also gave away the HUNGER GAMES, glad to hear that you had a lot of fun with it too. I'm hoping for more YA or elementary picks to because at the community college where I work there are all kinds of reading levels.

  4. YAY for The Hunger Games! I love those books! That's a really great story!


  5. I would love it if we had World Book Night here!

  6. I'd love to take part in World Book Night! I think that would be amazing.


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