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28 December 2011

Seasons Readings: A Christmas Carol

It's time to come clean on one of my dirty little secrets.  I have never read, in its entirety, A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens.  Oh sure, I could tell you anything you wanted to know about it.  But my knowledge is solely based on "A Mickey Christmas Carol" and watching it on stage twice.

In all honesty, it has been the one book I've been dreading to read this Seasons Readings.  Why?  I like the story.  I think its a wonderful example of how we can always change our lives for the better (Scrooge) and how even in the darkest of circumstances, there is always hope (Tim).  I think its the words though.  And that brings us to dirty little secret #2:  I don't like "the classics", such as Austin, Dickens or the Brontes, because they are too "wordy" and the vocabulary used is just boring.  Dirty secret #3: This is probably why I didn't do so hot in English lit in college.

I'll admit, it was hard for me to read.  But I did it.  Yay me!  Now, when I have kids, will we curl up by the fireplace (or a screensaver set to a fireplace) and read this every Christmas?  Probably not.  Will I buy the children's version?  YES!  But, we'll also have my "grown-up" version at the ready in case anybody decides they want to try for themselves.
Don't forget to head to the Seasons Readings page to check out the other books / reviews and to link up your own!

1 comment:

  1. I love A Christmas Carol! I read it for the first time this year (finally!) after watching film adaptations all of my life. Thanks for sharing!


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