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27 June 2014

The Harry Potter Project

You may be aware that I'm super excited about my upcoming trip to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlando in July.  (Where have you been?  Geez)

This excitement has boiled over into my every day life and most recently, into my final project for one of my masters classes this summer. 

Background:  I'm in a cohort to get my masters in Curriculum and Instruction with a concentration in 21st Century Learners from Eastern Mennonite University.  This week (June 23-27), we're condensing a semester long class into one week.  Luckily, the class isn't too overwhemling, it's just a lot of information and cool web-tools thrown at you really quickly. 

So back to my story....

For my final project, we are to create a lesson (that we'll use with our students), using two 21st century (web) tools. 

For my project, I'm having my students read biographies and research people.  They can then choose from a variety of tools to make something to present to the group.  I also had to create examples.

The person I researched?  Harry Potter.  And guess what?  I'm sharing all the examples I made with you:

I highly recommend each tool, but I especially like Animoto for its ease of use, and Meograph because you can record.  Of these, Glogster is probably my least favorite, but I really like the final product it makes.

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