It used to be just Tuesdays, but I've recently been given the "go ahead" to have her come whenever I want. The students read to her, and I've opened it up for other teachers and classes to "use her", either as a reward for good behavior (Lunch with Luna), the speech therapist has a child who doesn't speak come visit her (with the hope that he will speak to Luna), my enrichment group of 4th graders don't know it yet, but they will be using Luna (and the tv show, "Dog with a Blog") as their inspiration to write stories, and there are several behavior kids who just stop by if they've had a good day and say "hi" to Luna.
She's even getting a badge made!
I recently got my Donors Choose project funded, and with that, purchased a TON of dog books, two of which I'd like to talk about today:

My I Pet Your Dog by Stephanie Calmenson

by Wendy Wahman
Before Luna goes to any class, I am sending these books for her to read (or for me to read) aloud to the group, just as an introduction. She is a friendly dog, but kids need to realize that not all dogs are friendly, and what they should to do "introduce" themselves to the various dogs they meet.
Don't Lick the Dog is a little bit easier of a read, and does have silly "rules" (like, don't lick the dog!). May I Pet Your Dog is still a story, but is probably geared toward more older kids.
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