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28 May 2014

{ArmchairBEA Day 3}: Expanding Blogging Horizons

Design by Amber of Shelf Notes
Today's topic: What do you think about when you think about going beyond blogging or expanding your horizons? Is it a redesign of your blog? Have you branched out into freelance writing or even published a novel of your very own? Or, have you moved into a different venue like podcasts or vlogging? This is the day to tell us about how you have expanded on blogging in your own unique way.

I know to colleagues and friends, I come across as this mega-huge tech savvy person, who probably knows how to do coding, reads tech how to manuals, and just is super up to date on how to do everything.  But, I'll let you in on a little secret---I'm not!  Sure, I may know more than the average bear, but it's because I sat and taught myself how to do it.  So, when it comes to expanding blogging horizons, somethings that I would like to learn how to do are:
1.  Creating my own blog background, header and buttons.
2.  Figuring out the editing software on the mac so I can create vlogs---not that you guys necessarily want to hear my voice, but it is a nice alternative.

Some other bloggy/book things that I'd like to figure out are:
1.  After you write a book, what is the next step in the publishing process?  An agent?  An editor?
2.  I don't want to come across as greedy, but how do people get so many ARCs?  I guess I don't know how to market myself to a publisher to get added to "the list".
3.  HOW DO YOU HAVE TIME FOR IT ALL?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

And on a personal note, I've always had stories running around in my head, so I'd love to expand and be able to write them down.  I'm just scared to take that step!

What are you doing to expand your horizons?   


  1. It can definitely be scary to expand in any way. The blog looks great!
    --Brenda @DailyMayo

  2. Steps to publishing depends on which way you want to go to get your book published. Agents and managers won't look at you unless you already have work underneath you and a large following.


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