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04 September 2012

9/4 #schooljoy

Today is an easy one!  My schooljoy for today is since its the first day, I was able to see my kiddos!  I am lucky enough to be able to have my kids 3 years (from 3-5 grades), so to me, they really are MY kids.  They are my babies and I love each and every one of them.  I love the waves from inside the bus, the "Mrs Furman!" from down the hallway, the hugs and just being able to talk with them again. 

As always, I have a great mix of kids.  But I also think I am working with a great mix of teachers.  This is going to be a wonderful year, I can tell already!


  1. Hey, happy new school year! As a teacher, I can relate very well, albeit they don't call me Ms. lol

    Unlike in America, they don't have school buses here in Manila, so the kids either walk home, take a jeepney or trike, or have their parents pick them up.

    We have two newbie foreigner teachers to keep me not feeling like the proverbial Lone Ranger and we seem to be getting along just fine.

    Thus far, the school year is going just fine

    Cheers and have a blast this year!

    1. Well...I would hope they didn't call you Mrs :)

      I'm glad you're having a good year. Do you run on a similar schedule to the US? I think its really cool that you are teaching in another country. I wasn't ready for that when I had the opportunity :(

      Hope you have a great year!

  2. This is our third week in school and it's been GREAT so far! :)

    I'm teaching US history for the 1st time-5/6 grades.

    Hope you have a great year!



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